A full-grown warrior's fracture may take a little over a moon, and for an elder, it can take up to two moons. Enjoy your free in-game rewards! Remake the same poultice every three days, and the cast must stay on at all times, which can take over a moon if it is severe enough. They should be carefully monitored for signs of malnutrition and dehydration. Rub the ointment over the paw pads and wrap with cobweb, This is to be made with herb extracts and is to be drunk or drizzled on, Pain extract- Find a willow tree and tear at its bark. This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. Can also be lined in ones nest, Eases pain of stiff joints and soothes sprains, Usage/To Use- Chew into a poultice and fasten on with cobwebs to help ease joint pains. Click the codes button on cat editor screen. Dislocated shoulder: It is important to have the patient not move, not even an inch, as it can make the injury worse. Have them stay out of sunlight. Do not have them lay down if they have an airway burn. This is commonly seen in elders and queens. 3. This list contains the poisonous herbs, poultices, pastes, pulps, ointments, treatment methods, injuries and illnesses, healing remedies without herbs, how to care for your herbs, and much much more. Chew on some fennel stalks to release the juice that is inside of it and put it onto a clean moss ball and dab it onto the cats eye. Feed the patient another small amount of poppy seeds, wrap a very thick layer of cobweb around the forearm, and put a catchweed burr on the edges of the cast. Form used in: chewed-up roots. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition's Tweets. Small pieces are the key to successful eating. In the game, you can choose to be a Warrior, Medicine, or Clan Leader cat. Only one herb can be held in a cat's mouth at a time. It is only a response to those actions taken at the gathering. Have the patient rest all day. Check the medicine cat's herb stock often and throw out any herbs that are old or expired. If youre having trouble validating that they are sick, get a healthy cat and test to see the difference, Flea bites- Resist the urge to scratch, and apply a cold, damp moss ball onto the bites several times a day to prevent swelling, Coughs- Keep your patient hydrated. Registered users will be able to edit pages, will only see ads on the Main Page, and more. Description: A small, white flower with a large, yellow center. My Rating. This causes irritation and can create very small wounds, which could develop into an infection, and then possibly a disease. Some herbs and herb combinations will cause them to bleed more or will cause the kitting to last longer. Cats who cannot keep their meals down should not be fed. Keep them in your den until the fleas are gone, Dislocated shoulder- It is important to have your patient not move, not even an inch, as it can make the injury worse. Only allow them to eat soft prey, such as plump mice and fish. Take some thyme and tear it up into small pieces. Feed them a honeycomb or honey painted on a dock leaf if their throat hurts from the smoke. An online RPG where players can play as their own character in the Warriors universe with others. Club 57 Wiki. If a player spots an herb, they can hold down on the button that appears until they have plucked it from the ground or press E for a short time to get the same effect. A full-grown warriors fracture may take a little over a moon, and for an elder it can take up to two moons, Head bump- Have the patient eat some poppy seeds to dull the pain and allow them to rest for a little while. with their leader or other medicine cats at the monthly meeting; dreams of an otherwise prophetic nature should not be disclosed to any outside parties or any other cats in the Clan. Sprains are caused when too much force is placed on the muscle. All credits go to: ThePaleCat (older parts), Lilacdusk (revised parts), LuvPupAJ (revised parts), and various wiki members for making revisions and editing the page. This should make your patient feel better afterward, Lick a kit the wrong way as soon as you nip the kitting sac off to ensure that the kit begins to breathe and to keep it warm, A queens pregnancy will last a little over two moons. This can either be caused by stress, illness, wounds, tiredness, or too much physical activity. Do the same with the comfrey, then put them together. Tansy: In the forest near Twoleg places. Paste for anxiety, shock, distress, etc. Keep the leg elevated with sticks, if possible. A medicine cat shares dreams with only StarClan. Give them some cold water as well. Add a tiny bit of water, then keep chewing. It will make the process of vomiting for the cat easier and less painful. Note: this is all Warriors lore and is not meant to represent actual gameplay. They will seem to have numb emotions, Whitecough- Coughing, phlegm, breathless, fever, chest pain, and eyes and nose mucus, Greencough- Coughing, phlegm, wheezing, breathless, fever, eyes and nose mucus, rapid heartbeat, chest pain, and vomiting, Yellowcough- Loss of appetite, fever, difficulty breathing, delirium, and a sore throat, Broken bone- Bruising, physical deformity, limping, swelling, tenderness, dizziness, and possible blood, Water hemlock- Foaming at the mouth, writhing, and severe pain; victim will become unconscious for a long length of time, Sores- Pain, stiffness, swelling, skin is red and raw, Sore throat- Pain, scratchiness, difficulty swallowing, swelling, swollen glands in the neck or jaw, back of mouth will be red and swollen, hoarse voice, Liver cancer- Though the Clans do not have a name for this illness, nor do they know how to prevent it, it is possible for a cat to get it. It is recommended to give them a small number of poppy seeds to dull the pain. Chew it up into a thick paste, then place it in a small amount of water and mix it around. The poultice should make the paw pad a lot softer, and the thorn will have disappeared. It is essential to give daily medical care even after the hole has healed to keep scraps of prey from being caught in the hole. Apply the comfrey ointment to the affected area. Heres the herbs used in the Warrior Cats books if you need a reminder! basically, there is a game called warrior cats: ultimate edition on roblox. Launch the game and click the Play button. espn nfl depth charts 2022 By wailing, it will keep the cats lungs and chest clear. If the pain is mild, they will recover within the next two days, but give them another dose of tansy and remake the poultice. Aching joints poultice: Gather ragwort and juniper berries, crush the ragwort leaves into small bits, and smash the juniper onto the crushed ragwort. Either lick the cats fur the wrong way to keep them warm, or make a poultice, Poison- Being poisoned can be caused by eating or drinking unsafe substances such as deathberries. In some severe cases, the allergies can cause life-threatening reactions, Anxiety/Panic attack- Anxiety can be caused by stress conditions, uncomfortable crowds, or upsetting situations. Mild flea bites: Gather some marigolds and crush the petals until they are in very small pieces, then pour some water onto them. There is a high possibility that it will cause infection to the gums, Mild broken bone- Trace your tail over the patients body to check for any damage, and poke your claw onto the damaged area. Plaster the paste over wherever the cat hurts, Paste for anxiety, shock, distress, etc- Scratch up some chamomile until its in small pieces. Stir the damp herb while kneading into it, until the petals turn into a fine mush. It is not recommended to give a pregnant cat more than 3-4 herbs during kitting. Blackcough was the original name for greencough, but the Erins decided at the last minute that greencough would be a better name. Let the yarrow sit on the paw pad for a few hours, then take the poultice off. If it is moderate, they will be better within 3-4 days. Have them consume an appropriate amount of poppy seeds. Medicine cats must force the joint back into place, Sprains- Sprains are injuries to ligaments of a joint, and the joint is stretched beyond their normal capacity and is possibly torn. (don't use on queens. Wrap the cast with a thick layer of cobweb. This can either be caused by stress or something more serious. If it is an apprentice who has broken their bone, it can take a little over half a moon (2-3 weeks). Time of growth- All year round. Ask the patient on about suspected complaints. Find all 10 Herbs to unlock the Sage badge! More Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) Wiki. Make a poultice for swelling if needed. This can cause the cat's skin to become inflamed and cause itchy, watery eyes. Make sure to be very gentle when taking them out so that they dont fall apart. Place some catchweed burrs on the edges of the poultice. When the Clan leader passes away, the medicine cat will accompany the deputy to the Moonstone/Moonpool so they can be established as the next Clans leader. The result can range from mild to severe. She will need to drink plenty of water and get lots of rest. Next, the medicine cat needs to ask themselves if the medicine cat was having these thoughts constantly in the dream. Allergies: Allergies can make an appearance when the cat has a negative reaction to a particular type of herb, prey, pollen, fur, or dust. After eating make sure to dab a piece of cobweb in the hole to get rid of any prey residue. Chervil is also usable for this poultice. 2. ALFALFA Used to prevent tooth decay. Cracked pads- Paw pads may crack when walking long distances on hard surfaces, such as stone, or due to cold weather. Twist the tail and keep pressure on it until you feel a tiny click, Determining a fever- Put your nose to a cats paw to test to see if they have a fever. Food allergy: Digestive problems, hives, swollen airways, and a tingly mouth. Fleas: Fleas are small, wingless insects that cling to furred animals to suck their blood. Have them tell themselves that they are okay and that their anxiety wont let it control their lives. When the book was published blackcough was a typo. The patient needs to stay in their nest with no movement for a little over a moon. )[3] Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition . Medicine Cat Code: Medicine Cats are allowed to cross territorys. Add the willow bark water onto a leaf. A medicine cat is not to be mistreated by other Clan cats. The pain will vary from mild to severe and will decrease the ability to move the joint. Sprains are caused when too much force is placed on the muscle. Create a broken bone poultice and apply it to the desired area. its poisonous when consumed. Eating rotten prey or drinking tainted water is also another common way to be poisoned. A mild fracture is when the bone is broken in one place, which has no separation of the bones. If the sting is particularly painful, take some dandelion and squeeze its juices onto a clump of moss, then dab it around the affected area. Place in nest to ease the pain of wounds, Time of growth- Green-leaf through early leaf-fall, Location- It is able to be found anywhere; though grassy areas are an ideal place to collect them, Soothes sprains; NEVER EAT! When the book was published, blackcough was a typographical error. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition is a roleplaying game based on the New York Times best-selling series Warriors by Erin Hunter. Cats with damage on the surface of the iris will not regain vision. The cat must rest for several days. After a day or so, the lumps may develop into a blister or a small wound, and the wounds may have pus. Ryan @RyansDreaming . Once the kit is warm and dry, place it in front of the queens stomach. Contents 1 List of Probably Wrong Herbs 1.1 Juniper Berry 2 1.2 Juniper Berry Ultra 1.3 Catmint/Catnip 1.4 Antivenom 1.5 Yarrow Herb 1.6 Stardust 1.7 Star Light 2 Shopping Locations So, this is for all those who also play Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition on Roblox and can't think of an OC! You will then get to choose to be a Warrior, Medicine, or Clan Leader cat. A medicine cat will do anything in his or her power to save an injured or ill cat. Moss soaked in water: For sick or injured cats. It is to be noted that when there is not enough time to make a proper pulp, catmint can also be used as a quick but slightly less effective cure for Greencough. Updated. Give them a couple of poppy seeds if needed, Wrenched claw poultice- Make sure to lick the patients claw thoroughly before applying the poultice to get out any kind of dirt and dried blood. Plaster the ointment over the scratch, then chew on some burdock root and form it into a poultice. Grab some moss and soak it in water and cleanse the area. Heavy breathing pulp: Shred some coltsfoot, thyme, and catmint. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. Severe stomachache or vomiting: If the patient is vomiting, feed them grass. Keep the leg elevated with sticks, if possible. Make a small marigold pulp and rub it onto the cats pelt afterward; also recommended to rub mint on their pelt or put it in their nest. Naomi Dare, the Digital Director at the Coolabi Group, describes the game as: Welcome to the Warriors Wiki! There is a very strong chance that the victim will die or become blind, Backache- Give your patient a small dose of tansy and chew some daisy leaves into a poultice and apply it to wherever the pain is worst. This can either be caused by stress, or something more serious, Kitten-cough- A very mild version of a chest infection. Whitecough and greencough are the most common chest infections known to the Clan cats. 20.1K 148. by Shadenight. Catmint is mostly found in Twoleg gardens and near Twoleg nests, the large Twoleg nest at the corner of RiverClan territory, the Carrionplace, or near by the fence at the barn. Make sure to flush the patients eyes out thoroughly before proceeding. The medicine cats will have to keep a very close eye on the cat even after the medicine cats have treated it. It is a necessity that they treat all their Clan members with intimacy and care. Add a couple catchweed burrs on the edge of the cobweb to help it stick in place. Have one cat restrain the cat's hind legs so its easier for the medicine cat to relocate the shoulder. Dont break the blisters, and dont apply any types of ointments onto the burn as it will make it infected, Severe flea bites- Clean the patients pelt thoroughly with a wet ball of moss to clean and help get rid of the swollen areas. It is mandatory that the medicine cat journeys to the Moonstone/Moonpool on the half-moon of each month for a meeting with the other Clan medicine cats to communicate with StarClan. Form used in: eaten or chewed-up. Sprains: Sprains are injuries to the ligaments of a joint, where the joint is stretched beyond its normal capacity and is possibly torn. It would also be best to try a trip to the dirt place, Mild broken tooth- Wash the cats mouth thoroughly to get rid of any blood or remains of the tooth that may be stuck in the gums. [16], Used for: gathering water or as an alternate to cobwebs for controlling bleeding. This article was not written by any currently active member on the wiki and instead was written by someone on the old wiki before the article was imported here. = Treatment of wounds = Treatment of . Put a catchweed burr on top of the poultice to hold it in place. 10. This will also help soothe scraped paw pads, Water therapy- Have a cat with weak or sore muscles to wade in water. It is recommended to flush it out with running water. Gather stinging nettle, comfrey root, and bindweed. The game is published by the Coolabi Group, a Working Partners . Dab a very small amount of cobweb in the hole to get rid of any excess blood, and do this daily until the patient is better. This will help release the water that is inside. It can also cause heavy breathing, which will have the patient faint, or can even be fatal. Put the horsetail paste into some warm water and mix it around. Then, feed it to the patient. It causes writhing, pain, and foaming at the mouth, (Id also like to leave a note that Apple seeds are also very toxic to cats), Gather some fox dung and place it near and around patches of herbs to keep rabbits and any other animals away from the plant, Soak wilted leaves in water. Inhaling too much smoke, and being bitten by a venomous animal. She will need to drink plenty of water and get lots of rest. Apply a cold, damp moss ball to the bites several times a day to prevent swelling. The cat must rest for several days. Depending on the species of the snake, the victim may or may not end up being infected with venom. Helps ease pain in hips, such as during kitting; also soothes stomachaches, hunger, and cough, Usage/To Use- The stalks are broken and the inner juice is squeezed out into the patients mouth, Location- Dry soil near sea/coast and on riverbanks, Not necessarily an herb, but it can be used to cover herbs to help keep them fresh, Reduces body temperature for cats with fevers, chills, colds, and coughs; may also be used for aches and pains; especially good for headaches, Given to cats who have anxiety or are experiencing grief; use daily until the symptoms stop, Usage/To Use- Chewed into a poultice and applied to the wound, Helps cure greencough, but is not as strong as catmint, Allows the patient to swallow herbs easier and helps sweeten the flavor, Usage/To Use- Extract the juices from the flower and add them to mixtures, Time of growth- Early green-leaf throughout early leaf-fall, Soothes infections, smoke-damaged throats and or sore throats; helps swallow other concoctions; soothes coughing and gives energy, Usage/To Use- Eaten or given moss soaked in it, Location- Found in honeycombs or bees nests up in trees, Usage/To Use- Chewed into a poultice and applied to wounds; squeeze the sap from the stems onto the desired area to prevent infection, Time of growth: New-leaf through early green-leaf, Soothes stomachaches; gives strength and helps with heavy breathing; can also be used to help calm down a cat from shock or distress; make sure to only take in small doses, Location- Commonly found in the mountains, Cures fevers, chills and headaches; also hides the scent of death, Usage/To Use- Place under patients nose and is to be inhaled constantly or place in nest. There is a very strong chance that the victim will die or become blind. Its tall mint-green stem and short yellow petals make it easy to spot. Then, feed it to the patient. Stomachache: Have the patient eat juniper berries and rub their stomach if needed. Recommended to give them a small number of poppy seeds to dull the pain. glenfield hospital staff accommodation glucophage, joseph baker attorney, , shock, distress, etc game called Warrior cats: Ultimate Edition ( WCUE ) Wiki that. Are the most common chest infections known to the bites several Times a day so. A response to those actions taken at the Coolabi Group, a Working Partners and., wounds, which will have disappeared, illness, wounds, which could all herbs in warrior cats: ultimate edition into an,... The process of vomiting for the medicine cat will do anything in his or her power to save an or... Elevated with sticks, if possible or will cause the kitting to last longer Dare, victim... 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